5 Best Summer Fruits in India that You Should Eat

Leading nutritionist and dietician Avni Kaul highlights how these fruits can boost your health and keep you cool.

Apart from the intense heat, one of the best things about summer in India is the abundance of delicious and nutritious fruits. These seasonal delights are not only tasty but also provide an excellent way to stay hydrated during the scorching weather. Summer fruits like mangoes, watermelons, and pineapples are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a healthy and refreshing choice.

Which five fruits are best to eat during summertime?

Here are some of the best summer fruits in India, explained by Avni Kaul that make the season eagerly anticipated. According to Avni, though summertime has several fruits to offer she suggests the following 5 fruits particularly that will make you feel good during summer.

Watermelon (Tarbooz) — Low in calories and highly refreshing, this fruit consists of about 90% water, making it a favourite during the hot summer months. It helps you stay full and hydrated while being rich in many nutrients and aiding digestion…..

Read more — https://nutriactivania.com/best-summer-fruits-indian-dietician-avnikaul/



Diet Tips, Healthy Lifestyle by Dietiian Avni Kaul

Nutri Activania is headed by Avni Kaul. She is one of India’s top Dietitian and Nutritionist. She is a Diabetes Educator and specializes in Weight Management.