People following a low-carb diet has become a fashion. Post the popularity of keto, low-carb diet is the new trend of most of the people who try to lose their weight. But all the body shift that we are witnessing with this new diet may not be all that safe. A low-carb diet can speed ageing and lead to a shorter life span also. And it is true.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul warns that a low-carb diet is effective in decreasing visceral fat and halting blood sugar spike but it has to be clearly monitored by the doctor or a nutritionist.

Like the weight loss, people increasingly follow ‘diet trends’ fads that are endorsed on social media by celebrities, there is a constant rise in eating disorders as well as a number of other health-related problems, which not many of you are not aware of.

You need to understand that carbohydrates are essential to maintain the energy levels up.

Here Delhi’s top nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about a low carbohydrate diet may speed your ageing and do more harm.

Fatigue And Sluggishness

Carbohydrates are the major source of energy fuel for your body. The body burns carbohydrates to produce energy and if you follow a diet that is very low in carbs, then you disallow the body from that source. You will feel sluggishness, fatigue, light-headedness, headaches, and weakness as some of the side-effects of your low-carb diet. Frequent light-headedness is an indication that your carb intake levels are dangerously low.


Good carbohydrates in the form of fiber are also essential for digestive health. This is because fiber which is digested slower than other nutrients acts as food for the healthy bacteria present in your gut and in its absence the gut flora becomes imbalanced. Constipation is one of the ugliest side-effects of low-carb diets. Your bowel movement is disturbed due to the lack of soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet. Some other digestive side-effects are bloating and diarrhea.

Mood Swings

A hungry mind gets easily irritable. People on low-carb diets feel irritated more frequently and experience anxiety and mood swings. This happens due to the decrease of glucose in your body. Lower motivation and the depressive mood is another dangerous side-effect of having a low-carb diet.

Higher Risk Of Diabetes

Low-carb diets increase the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes This happens because diets low in carbohydrates and rich in fat can decrease the body’s response to insulin — the hormone that regulates…

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Diet Tips, Healthy Lifestyle by Dietiian Avni Kaul

Nutri Activania is headed by Avni Kaul. She is one of India’s top Dietitian and Nutritionist. She is a Diabetes Educator and specializes in Weight Management.