Is it Safe to Take Caffeine During Pregnancy? How Much Is Safe?


Being a mother is undeniably one of life’s most profound experiences, a journey filled with awe-inspiring moments and challenges. One of the pivotal phases of this journey is pregnancy, a time when a woman’s body undergoes incredible transformations as it nurtures new life within.

As an expectant mother ponders her dietary decisions, she finds herself questioning whether it’s safe to consume caffeine during pregnancy. While the morning ritual of sipping a hot cup of caffeinated coffee or tea might feel like a comforting indulgence, it’s essential to explore whether such habits align with the well-being of pregnant mothers says dietician for pregnant and lactation mothers Avni Kaul in this blog.

What do you know about Caffeine?

Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in various plants like tea, coffee, and cacao, stimulates the brain and central nervous system, enhancing alertness and preventing fatigue. It’s commonly consumed in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and energy drinks. While moderate intake can offer benefits like improved concentration, excessive consumption poses health risks. Adding caffeine to products not naturally containing it has raised additional concerns……

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Diet Tips, Healthy Lifestyle by Dietiian Avni Kaul

Nutri Activania is headed by Avni Kaul. She is one of India’s top Dietitian and Nutritionist. She is a Diabetes Educator and specializes in Weight Management.